Novice Assistance Dog


Novice Assistance Dog (NAD) Title includes a rosette and certificate

To obtain your Novice Assistance Dog Title submit 20 tasks from the list below. Videos must clearly show handlers hands whilst the dog is performing the task


CUES: The handler may give multiple cues per trick. Praise and encouragement at any time is fine.

TREATS: Treats and toys may be used as a reward, and may be used in 50% of the tricks to lure the dog into the behaviour.

Demonstrate 20 skills from the list below:

  • Bang game (smack board)

  • Catch a ball/toy

  • Come

  • Doggy push-ups

  • Down

  • Drop it

  • Fetch (bring near me)

  • Focus

  • Front

  • Groom your dog

  • Hide and seek (find me)

  • Kennel Up

  • Leave it

  • Loose-lead walking

  • Ring a bell to go outside

  • Send to pedestal

  • Sit

  • Speak on cue

  • Stand

  • Stay

  • Target disk

  • Target stick

  • Touch my hand

  • Weenie bobbing

  • Which hand holds the treat?

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Novice Assistance Dog (NAD) Title includes a rosette and certificate

To obtain your Novice Assistance Dog Title submit 20 tasks from the list below. Videos must clearly show handlers hands whilst the dog is performing the task


CUES: The handler may give multiple cues per trick. Praise and encouragement at any time is fine.

TREATS: Treats and toys may be used as a reward, and may be used in 50% of the tricks to lure the dog into the behaviour.

Demonstrate 20 skills from the list below:

  • Bang game (smack board)

  • Catch a ball/toy

  • Come

  • Doggy push-ups

  • Down

  • Drop it

  • Fetch (bring near me)

  • Focus

  • Front

  • Groom your dog

  • Hide and seek (find me)

  • Kennel Up

  • Leave it

  • Loose-lead walking

  • Ring a bell to go outside

  • Send to pedestal

  • Sit

  • Speak on cue

  • Stand

  • Stay

  • Target disk

  • Target stick

  • Touch my hand

  • Weenie bobbing

  • Which hand holds the treat?

Novice Assistance Dog (NAD) Title includes a rosette and certificate

To obtain your Novice Assistance Dog Title submit 20 tasks from the list below. Videos must clearly show handlers hands whilst the dog is performing the task


CUES: The handler may give multiple cues per trick. Praise and encouragement at any time is fine.

TREATS: Treats and toys may be used as a reward, and may be used in 50% of the tricks to lure the dog into the behaviour.

Demonstrate 20 skills from the list below:

  • Bang game (smack board)

  • Catch a ball/toy

  • Come

  • Doggy push-ups

  • Down

  • Drop it

  • Fetch (bring near me)

  • Focus

  • Front

  • Groom your dog

  • Hide and seek (find me)

  • Kennel Up

  • Leave it

  • Loose-lead walking

  • Ring a bell to go outside

  • Send to pedestal

  • Sit

  • Speak on cue

  • Stand

  • Stay

  • Target disk

  • Target stick

  • Touch my hand

  • Weenie bobbing

  • Which hand holds the treat?