Intermediate Assistance Dog


Intermediate Assistance Dog (IAD) Title includes a rosette and certificate

To obtain your Intermediate Assistance Dog Title submit 15 tasks from the list below and have obtained the following

  • Novice Assistance Dog Title


CUES: The handler may give multiple cues per trick. Praise and encouragement at any time is fine.

TREATS: Treats and toys may be used as a reward, and may be used in 25% of the tricks to lure the dog into the behaviour.

Videos must clearly show handlers hands whilst the dog is performing the task

Demonstrate the skills set out in the criteria below.

Section A – Choose 7 from the following

  • Bring me a tissue/ flannel

  • bring me the mail

  • Carry my purse

  • Fast Heel work

  • Fetch to hand

  • get my slippers

  • Hold object 5 seconds

  • Mail carrier (take note to someone)

  • Pull a rope / Tug

  • Recall from 10m

  • retrieve newspaper

  • Stay (out of sight)

Section B – Choose 8 from the following

  • Close the door

  • Directional Casting

  • Discern objects names

  • Emergency Stop

  • Leave it with distance

  • Nose touch (4 seconds)

  • Open Drawer

  • Open the door

  • shake Body

  • Sit under chair/ table at café

  • Stay 30 sec 3m away

  • Target Mark

  • vehicle control

  • Walk through automatic doors

  • wears clothing

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Intermediate Assistance Dog (IAD) Title includes a rosette and certificate

To obtain your Intermediate Assistance Dog Title submit 15 tasks from the list below and have obtained the following

  • Novice Assistance Dog Title


CUES: The handler may give multiple cues per trick. Praise and encouragement at any time is fine.

TREATS: Treats and toys may be used as a reward, and may be used in 25% of the tricks to lure the dog into the behaviour.

Videos must clearly show handlers hands whilst the dog is performing the task

Demonstrate the skills set out in the criteria below.

Section A – Choose 7 from the following

  • Bring me a tissue/ flannel

  • bring me the mail

  • Carry my purse

  • Fast Heel work

  • Fetch to hand

  • get my slippers

  • Hold object 5 seconds

  • Mail carrier (take note to someone)

  • Pull a rope / Tug

  • Recall from 10m

  • retrieve newspaper

  • Stay (out of sight)

Section B – Choose 8 from the following

  • Close the door

  • Directional Casting

  • Discern objects names

  • Emergency Stop

  • Leave it with distance

  • Nose touch (4 seconds)

  • Open Drawer

  • Open the door

  • shake Body

  • Sit under chair/ table at café

  • Stay 30 sec 3m away

  • Target Mark

  • vehicle control

  • Walk through automatic doors

  • wears clothing

Intermediate Assistance Dog (IAD) Title includes a rosette and certificate

To obtain your Intermediate Assistance Dog Title submit 15 tasks from the list below and have obtained the following

  • Novice Assistance Dog Title


CUES: The handler may give multiple cues per trick. Praise and encouragement at any time is fine.

TREATS: Treats and toys may be used as a reward, and may be used in 25% of the tricks to lure the dog into the behaviour.

Videos must clearly show handlers hands whilst the dog is performing the task

Demonstrate the skills set out in the criteria below.

Section A – Choose 7 from the following

  • Bring me a tissue/ flannel

  • bring me the mail

  • Carry my purse

  • Fast Heel work

  • Fetch to hand

  • get my slippers

  • Hold object 5 seconds

  • Mail carrier (take note to someone)

  • Pull a rope / Tug

  • Recall from 10m

  • retrieve newspaper

  • Stay (out of sight)

Section B – Choose 8 from the following

  • Close the door

  • Directional Casting

  • Discern objects names

  • Emergency Stop

  • Leave it with distance

  • Nose touch (4 seconds)

  • Open Drawer

  • Open the door

  • shake Body

  • Sit under chair/ table at café

  • Stay 30 sec 3m away

  • Target Mark

  • vehicle control

  • Walk through automatic doors

  • wears clothing