Expert Assistance Dog


Expert Assistance Dog (EAD)

Title includes a rosette and certificate

To obtain your Expert Assistance Dog Title please submit 5 tricks from the list below and have obtained the following

Novice Assistance Dog Title

Intermediate Assistance Dog

Advance Assistance Dog

Cost to submit for your title is £20 which will include a certificate & rosette


CUES: The handler may give multiple cues per trick. Praise and encouragement at any time is fine.

TREATS: Treats and toys may be used

Videos must clearly show handlers hands whilst the dog is performing the task

Demonstrate five of the skills set out in the list below.

  • Bring me tissue

  • Find the object with my scent

  • Fishing with a rope

  • GO TO BED open crate, go in, turn off light

  • Kennel up (open, in, close door)

  • Laundry day

  • Litter in bin

  • Mail from mailbox & close lid

  • Open door by using disabled button

  • Open door by using handle

  • Press lift button

  • Push a shopping cart

  • remove sock and put it in a basket

  • Soda from fridge

  • Track a persons scent

  • Put handler to bed

  • Untie shoe laces

  • Pull down zip

  • Basket ball

  • Distance behaviours x6

  • Fetch a drink from cupboard/ drawer

  • Tidy up toys with opening a box

Please note: This is a TDI title, completion of this title does not automatically qualify your dog for professional Assistance Dog work or access to public building. Please check your government regulations and requirements in your country

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Expert Assistance Dog (EAD)

Title includes a rosette and certificate

To obtain your Expert Assistance Dog Title please submit 5 tricks from the list below and have obtained the following

Novice Assistance Dog Title

Intermediate Assistance Dog

Advance Assistance Dog

Cost to submit for your title is £20 which will include a certificate & rosette


CUES: The handler may give multiple cues per trick. Praise and encouragement at any time is fine.

TREATS: Treats and toys may be used

Videos must clearly show handlers hands whilst the dog is performing the task

Demonstrate five of the skills set out in the list below.

  • Bring me tissue

  • Find the object with my scent

  • Fishing with a rope

  • GO TO BED open crate, go in, turn off light

  • Kennel up (open, in, close door)

  • Laundry day

  • Litter in bin

  • Mail from mailbox & close lid

  • Open door by using disabled button

  • Open door by using handle

  • Press lift button

  • Push a shopping cart

  • remove sock and put it in a basket

  • Soda from fridge

  • Track a persons scent

  • Put handler to bed

  • Untie shoe laces

  • Pull down zip

  • Basket ball

  • Distance behaviours x6

  • Fetch a drink from cupboard/ drawer

  • Tidy up toys with opening a box

Please note: This is a TDI title, completion of this title does not automatically qualify your dog for professional Assistance Dog work or access to public building. Please check your government regulations and requirements in your country

Expert Assistance Dog (EAD)

Title includes a rosette and certificate

To obtain your Expert Assistance Dog Title please submit 5 tricks from the list below and have obtained the following

Novice Assistance Dog Title

Intermediate Assistance Dog

Advance Assistance Dog

Cost to submit for your title is £20 which will include a certificate & rosette


CUES: The handler may give multiple cues per trick. Praise and encouragement at any time is fine.

TREATS: Treats and toys may be used

Videos must clearly show handlers hands whilst the dog is performing the task

Demonstrate five of the skills set out in the list below.

  • Bring me tissue

  • Find the object with my scent

  • Fishing with a rope

  • GO TO BED open crate, go in, turn off light

  • Kennel up (open, in, close door)

  • Laundry day

  • Litter in bin

  • Mail from mailbox & close lid

  • Open door by using disabled button

  • Open door by using handle

  • Press lift button

  • Push a shopping cart

  • remove sock and put it in a basket

  • Soda from fridge

  • Track a persons scent

  • Put handler to bed

  • Untie shoe laces

  • Pull down zip

  • Basket ball

  • Distance behaviours x6

  • Fetch a drink from cupboard/ drawer

  • Tidy up toys with opening a box

Please note: This is a TDI title, completion of this title does not automatically qualify your dog for professional Assistance Dog work or access to public building. Please check your government regulations and requirements in your country